algunas palabras
antes de empezar esta entrevista
1. como surge
nació luego de que Albert Jiménez y yo nos conociéramos en un concierto de
metal, ambos compartíamos los mismos estilos musicales y la misma visión de
crear una banda.
Empezamos participando en eventos de
homenaje a grupos de metal sinfónico.
Luego conocimos a Aldo Benegas, quien nos
guio en la producción, grabación, y proceso creativo durante nuestra evolución
musical. Llegado este momento, estaba claro el deseo de debutar con un EP y dar
comienzo al concepto de las canciones, dando forma y carácter al sonido de
2. en que
ciudades debuta?
Somos de la ciudad de Asunción, Paraguay. Aún no tenemos fechas cerradas para
conciertos, aunque no descartamos un concierto para el lanzamiento del EP en
formato físico y su puesta en venta. Planeamos iniciar la pre-producción de
nuestro primer álbum de larga duración, además de algunas sorpresas para los
3. Cuales son tus
influencias musicales?
banda fusiona los elementos agresivos del Metal Sinfónico y las armonías de
piezas celtas, barrocas y clásicas. Elementos del teatro dramático y
Soundtracks de películas también son influencias poderosas.
4. Bajo que sello
lanzan su primer demo o producción?
Estamos en proceso de negociación con algunos
sellos discográficos y también Publishers.
5. Porque hacer
el genero musical que haces?
composiciones nacen libres de acuerdo al mensaje que queremos transmitir,
hacemos la música sin pensar en el estilo. Por eso, preferimos que sean los
mismos fans quienes definan nuestro estilo musical!
6. Que tanto
influencia la epoca barroca o medieval el trabajo de Ignys?
No solo crea la atmósfera en las historias de las canciones, sino transporta al
que las escucha a través de diferentes épocas. En IGNYS buscamos enfocar la
música como un teatro pero sin el elemento visual, por ello las formas
musicales no solo de música clásica, era medieval o música antigua sino también
el folklore de las distintas regiones del mundo son influencias muy importantes
en nuestra música.
7. Como se dio la
grabacion del EP From Shadows?
Lo grabamos en el trascurso del 2017, en
BlindOwlStudio con Aldo Benegas, un excelente profesional con atención
impecable a los detalles.
¡El proceso de grabación fue muy divertido! Aunque nos tomamos nuestro
tiempo para terminarlo. También tuvimos una racha de mala suerte que duró unos
meses, en los cuales nos enfrentamos a problemas de salud, de clima, de agenda
y finanzas (risas).
Nosotros trabajamos primero en los basic tracks, en donde se preparan
las pistas básicas de las canciones (batería, bajo, guitarra, teclado básico y
voz guía), una vez que contamos con esto, trabajamos con el productor sobre los
cambios de tempo, intensidad de las partes y si modulamos o no algunas
secciones de la canción en cuestión. Entonces sobre este resultado Aldo Benegas
(productor) compone y graba el arreglo orquestal y de elementos ajenos a los
instrumentos de los integrantes. Luego cada integrante entra al estudio a
grabar la versión final de su instrumento y finalmente es mi turno de grabar la
voz principal, los dúos y soporte armónico.
Una vez terminadas las grabaciones, Aldo Benegas se encarga de la
mezcla y Mika Jussila crea el máster del EP.
8. Has visitado
alguna ciudad de Colombia?
Es un gran pendiente que nos queda como
sudamericanos. Aún no tuvimos el placer de visitar Colombia. ¡Estamos muy
felices con los amigos colombianos que nos escriben luego de haber escuchado
nuestra música y agradecidos con ellos por compartir nuestro EP!
9. Bandas de la
escena sudamericana que respetas?
Si sumamos lo que escucha cada integrante, nos
gustan todos los géneros del Metal! (risas) En Sudamérica escuchamos desde
Angra, Shaaman y Sepultura, Helker, Alma Fuerte, Rata Blanca, Nautiluz, Nuclear
de Chile, Everfall de Bolivia, Bajo Sueños de Ecuador, Masacre de Colombia y muchísimos
10. Como podemos
acceder al material de Ignys?
¡Muy pronto estará disponible el EP VESTIGIUM en
todas las plataformas digitales y de streaming, además de CD físicos en
cantidad limitada! Estamos negociando con algunos sellos discográficos y
también algunos publishers. Nuestro objetivo es que una vez que el EP esté a la
venta, iniciemos la pre producción de nuestro primer álbum. De todas maneras,
pueden escuchar el EP de manera gratuita en nuestra página de Youtube:
12. Ultimas
palabras para los lectores en el ciberespacio de aeternum zine.
¡Muchas gracias primeramente a aeternum zine por
la entrevista! ¡Y a los lectores de aeternum zine repárense a sacudir las cabelleras
porque hay metal para rato!
reenviar con lo
que quieras publicar
1- IGNYS was born after Albert Jiménez and I met at a metal concert,
we both shared the same musical styles and the same vision of creating a
band.We started by participating in tribute events to symphonic metal groups.Then we met Aldo Benegas, who guided us in the production, recording, and creative process during our musical evolution. At this time, it was clear the desire to debut with an EP and start
the concept of the songs, giving shape and character to the sound of
2- We are from the city of Asunción, Paraguay. We still do not have closed dates for concerts, although we do not rule out a concert for the release of the EP in physical format and its sale. We plan to start the pre-production of our first full-length album, plus some surprises for the fans.
3- The band fuses the aggressive elements of Symphonic Metal and the harmonies of Celtic, Baroque and Classical pieces. Elements of dramatic theater and movie soundtracks are also powerful influences.
4- We are in the negotiation process with some record labels and also Publishers.
5- The compositions are born free according to the message we want to transmit, we make the music without thinking about the style. Therefore, we prefer that the fans themselves define our musical style!
6- Enough. It not only creates the atmosphere in the stories of the songs, but transports the listener through different eras. In IGNYS we seek to approach music as a theater but without the visual element, for that reason the musical forms not only of classical music, it was medieval or ancient music but also the folklore of the different regions of the world are very important influences in our music.
7- We recorded it in the course of 2017, in BlindOwlStudio with Aldo Benegas, an excellent professional with impeccable attention to details.The recording process was very fun! Although we take our time to finish it. We also had a run of bad luck that lasted a few months, in which we faced health problems, weather, schedule and finance (laughs).We work first on the basic tracks, where the basic tracks of the songs are prepared (drums, bass, guitar, basic keyboard and voice guide), once we have this, we work with the producer on the tempo changes, intensity of the parts and if we modulate or not some sections of the song in question. Then on this result Aldo Benegas (producer) composes and records the orchestral arrangement and of elements alien to the instruments of the members. Then each member enters the studio to record the final version of their instrument and finally it is my turn to record the main voice, duos and harmonic support.Once the recordings are finished, Aldo Benegas is in charge of the mix and Mika Jussila creates the master of the EP.
8- It is a big slope that we have left as South Americans. We still did not have the pleasure of visiting Colombia. We are very happy with the Colombian friends who write to us after having listened to our music and grateful to them for sharing our EP!
9- If we add what each member listens, we like all the genres of Metal! (laughs) In South America we hear from Angra, Shaaman and Sepultura, Helker, Alma Fuerte, Rata Blanca, Nautiluz, Nuclear from Chile, Everfall from Bolivia, Under Dreams from Ecuador, Massacre from Colombia and many more.
10- EP VESTIGIUM will soon be available on all digital and streaming platforms, in addition to physical CDs in limited quantity! We are negotiating with some record labels and also some publishers. Our goal is that once the EP is on sale, let's start the pre-production of our first album. Anyway, you can listen to the EP for free on our YouTube page:
• Many thanks first to aeternum zine for the interview! And to the readers of aeternum zine reparte to shake the hair because there is metal for a while!
2- We are from the city of Asunción, Paraguay. We still do not have closed dates for concerts, although we do not rule out a concert for the release of the EP in physical format and its sale. We plan to start the pre-production of our first full-length album, plus some surprises for the fans.
3- The band fuses the aggressive elements of Symphonic Metal and the harmonies of Celtic, Baroque and Classical pieces. Elements of dramatic theater and movie soundtracks are also powerful influences.
4- We are in the negotiation process with some record labels and also Publishers.
5- The compositions are born free according to the message we want to transmit, we make the music without thinking about the style. Therefore, we prefer that the fans themselves define our musical style!
6- Enough. It not only creates the atmosphere in the stories of the songs, but transports the listener through different eras. In IGNYS we seek to approach music as a theater but without the visual element, for that reason the musical forms not only of classical music, it was medieval or ancient music but also the folklore of the different regions of the world are very important influences in our music.
7- We recorded it in the course of 2017, in BlindOwlStudio with Aldo Benegas, an excellent professional with impeccable attention to details.The recording process was very fun! Although we take our time to finish it. We also had a run of bad luck that lasted a few months, in which we faced health problems, weather, schedule and finance (laughs).We work first on the basic tracks, where the basic tracks of the songs are prepared (drums, bass, guitar, basic keyboard and voice guide), once we have this, we work with the producer on the tempo changes, intensity of the parts and if we modulate or not some sections of the song in question. Then on this result Aldo Benegas (producer) composes and records the orchestral arrangement and of elements alien to the instruments of the members. Then each member enters the studio to record the final version of their instrument and finally it is my turn to record the main voice, duos and harmonic support.Once the recordings are finished, Aldo Benegas is in charge of the mix and Mika Jussila creates the master of the EP.
8- It is a big slope that we have left as South Americans. We still did not have the pleasure of visiting Colombia. We are very happy with the Colombian friends who write to us after having listened to our music and grateful to them for sharing our EP!
9- If we add what each member listens, we like all the genres of Metal! (laughs) In South America we hear from Angra, Shaaman and Sepultura, Helker, Alma Fuerte, Rata Blanca, Nautiluz, Nuclear from Chile, Everfall from Bolivia, Under Dreams from Ecuador, Massacre from Colombia and many more.
10- EP VESTIGIUM will soon be available on all digital and streaming platforms, in addition to physical CDs in limited quantity! We are negotiating with some record labels and also some publishers. Our goal is that once the EP is on sale, let's start the pre-production of our first album. Anyway, you can listen to the EP for free on our YouTube page:
• Many thanks first to aeternum zine for the interview! And to the readers of aeternum zine reparte to shake the hair because there is metal for a while!
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